
Videos online

I am putting a number of videos on YouTube. Most of them are taken in Pula, Croatia, where I spend a wonderful week with Elisabeth diving at night, on wrecks and inside caves and tunnels.

Most of the more intersting ones I could not upload so far as they are more then 100 MB big. It bugs me, though, as I know quite a number of videos on YouTube that are much longer. I have to find a solution here... So stay tuned...

6 Kommentare:

  1. Very cool! Betty is a good diver, but kinda crap at bubble rings, though. Then again, she does do 174, so that compensates, i guess. But what an amazing cave. Lovely.

  2. You can use video.google.com for unlimited size movies and embed them in the same way as with you tube.

  3. Thanx Jorg,

    I just uploaded some of the longer files to GoogleVideo but could not yet find out how to embed the video in HTML. Is there a special tag/command like in YouTube or do I simply use the URL?

  4. If you look at the video in google, you can click on email/blog button on the right of the screen, there you have a blogger option to directly publish that video to blogger. Good luck!

  5. Jorg, what can I say... You really know your way around these things. Strill I am not so happy about the quality of the videos once they are up there. They look so much more pixley then my copy... :(

  6. nice movie !
    i know the problems with pixley looking movies on youtube, google...
    it`s a damn crap ;)
